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mac links

macdesktops - regularly updated desktop image site

versiontracker - software updates every 30 minutes
macupdate - software updates every 30 minutes

macintosh news
apple.slashdot - slashdot for apple news
macminute - regular mac news
macslash - slashdot syle mac news site
macnn - macintosh news network
apple links - macintosh web links
rumours - whacky mac rumour site
macintouch - mac news site
macaddict - mac news site
insider - sporadically updated mac news
ogrady - powerbook news
maccentral - mac news site
ibookzone - ibook news
macosxhints - hints for mac OS X
macfixit - troubleshooting the mac
tidbits - macintosh news
daily imac - imac news
MacWindows - cross platform resources
lowendmac - the cheaper side of macintosh computing

file repositories
hyperarchive mit file archive

macintosh memory
memory to go - memory vendor
ram prices - the chip merchant

apple information on their operating systems
8.6 dev notes
8.6 til
9.0 tech note
9.0 tils
9.1 tech note

10.2 tech note


other mac links of possible interest
iknob - usb audio controller

securemac.com - make your mac secure

mac speech - all about speech on a mac

Mac OS in a world with 2 Micro$ofts

using OE with Location Manager - tips on using the location manager with outlook express

G4 PowerBook - macnn special report on the titanium powerbook