


Staffing of school libraries in Journal of the School Library Association of Queensland v5:3 p.4
School library buildings and furniture: a report ... for the Assistant director Field operations, department of education, Northern Territory Branch. 1974
Standards of resource provision in Journal of the School Library Association of Queensland v8:2 p.9
Standards for school library facilities in Journal of the School Library Association of Queensland v8:3 p.13
Standards for the staffing of school library resource services in Journal of the School Library Association of Queensland v8:3 p.5
Report of the Pilot Libraries Review Project: a study of the Libraries Committee of the Schools Commission. Brisbane 1978

Joint Author

Principles of school librarianship. 1974


Newsletter of the Brisbane Branch of the School Library Association of Queensland. 1970-73
Teaching through the library: proceedings of the seminar 16-18 August 1971
Journal of the School Library Association of Queensland 1972-82
Prospects: proceedings of the Advabced Seminar for Teacher Librarians held at Yeronga State High School May 1973
Quill 1975
Be prepared for networks: proceedings of the seminar 1976
Childrens literature of the 70s: proceedings of the mini conference 17-19 August 1976
S.L.A.Q. Submission to the Select Committee of Inquiry into Education (the Ahern Committee) 1978


Quill 1972